RAVE X FILMS FRESH-DVD FRESH SNOWMOBILING VIDEO DVD. The vendor part number is FRESH-DVD. Read title to know what you are getting. Catalog descrition… What is one thing that no videos offer? EAST COAST RIDING and it's time to put an end to that.FRESH will shed a new light on the snow shredding community and make the northeast U.S. a sought after Mecca for snowmobiling. This season check out the newest release from Travis Steward as he follows the extreme riders of Rave X and the Outer Limits Sledstyle tour. Check out freestyle and free riding in the Northeast at its best.See footage of the Outer Limits tour riders ripping on snowmobiles, stuntbikes, quads, and 50's. Follow backflip action with Seth Bell on his 50 while catching up with Franky from the Vertical Outlaws on his stunt bike. Got trees? Well Maine does!Check out the way life should be in this epic video about aerial stunts, tree dodging, and backflipping. An extreme motorsports extravaganza!Check in with X games gold medalist and extreme snowmobiling pioneer, Dane Ferguson, as he takes his skills from the huge step ups of Turnagain Pass to the gnarly tree dodging experience of Maine's backcountry. See our buddy Sam 'Samzilla' Rogers save the day hucking backflips for big New Hampshire crowds.Mix those two icons with the crazy local talent of Seth and Brandon Bell, Ben Copp, Ralph Gallagher, DJ Coffin, and Alex Bishop and you will see some serious shredding.Watch rider interviews and bonus footage featuring Darryl 'D-Rail' Tait, a freestyle snowmobiler triumphing over his paralyzing back injury.