Up for sale is HYPERFAX HYPERFAX POLARIS PURPLE 49 1/2" PROFILE #11. The vendor part number is 27. Read title carefully to know what you are getting. Catalog description…. Our Hiperfax Slides have been designed, engineered, anddeveloped right here in Maine by an avid snowmobiler with theknowledge of what it takes to produce a slide that will give alonger life, less drag, better fuel mileage, and more speed.Please review installation: 1) If track clips are sand pitted,rusted or have plastic adhered to them, clean thoroughly withsandpaper or other appropriate method. 2) Tracks must haveclips on every crossar (not all new tracks have them). Run50-60 miles in good snow conditions to break in Hiperfax toget the best results. Warranty is limited to defects inworkmanship or material. Improper installation, suspensionadjustment, track adjustment, too many studs in the track,poor quality track clips, lack of track clips, or normal wearare not covered by the warranty. Common reasons for prematurewear to any slides (stock Hyfax or Hiperfax) 1) Track is tootight at lower speeds and just right at high speeds (this iscaused by either a worn out track or more often than not,overstudding). 2) Pitted track clips gouge the slide. 3)Track clips are missing. 4) Another possible reason forexcessive heat being created and causing premature wear issmall track windows. Many tracks are offered with windows sosmall that not enough airflow is getting through and onto theslide. Airflow can make a significant difference in anyslide's temperature. Ideally, the larger the windows, thebetter.The length is 49-1/2 and the profile is #11.