KORONIS 130-41186 MINI Z PRO GLIDER PURPLE. The vendor part number is 130-41186. Read title to know what you are getting. Catalog descrition… Sno-Stuff now offers a full line of Pro-Gliders available tofit Arctic Cat, Polaris, Ski Doo and Yamaha. Nothing elsecompares to the protection of a Sno-Stuff Pro Glider belly panprotector. Pro-Gliders are designed to offer protection fromthe front of the belly pan to the front of the track tunnel.Sno-Stuff Pro-Gliders are manufactured with a smooth finish tocreate less drag in snow. It's high density polyethyleneconstruction is strong, durable and provide unequalled RadiusRod and engine protection. It's unique wide design providessuperior support coverage. Also they prevent snow frompacking in the holes and below the engine, which reducesmelting and ice formation. Many colors are available for thecustomized look. These are bigger than OEM, with a smooth,contoured surface that reduces friction and greatly increasesdeep snow flotation. They directly attatch to the frontbumper to eliminate snow spray between the bumper and nosecone on old generation Polaris models. Mounting hardware isincluded with instructions. * PURPLE *