SDC HEADS-UP VOLTAGE MONITOR 2-1/4X1-5/8-5/8" 1050
Up for sale is HEADS-UP VOLTAGE MONITOR 2-1/4X1-5/8-5/8" . The vendor part number is 1050 . Read title carefully to know what you are getting. Catalog description…
- This module is a micro-processor that monitors the output of the charging system and is accurate to within 200 milli-volts. The Heads-Up Voltage Monitor'sâ„¢ onboard microprocessor performs a self-test each time voltage is applied.. Additionally, you will b
- The single, multi-color LED (red-amber-green) visually indicates the state of your motorcycle's battery / charging system. At a glance, you will instantly know whether the voltage is normal or abnormal, Auto-dimming - after 8 seconds at a single voltage,
- Voltage Range: 6 to 17 VDC, Accuracy: within 200 millivolts, Amp Draw: 20–85 milli-amps.
- Dimension: 2 1/4†LARGE XLARGE 1 5/8†W XLARGE 5/8†H