MEMO-VISION OLD IRON IV DVD. The vendor part number is OLD IRON IV. Read title to know what you are getting. Catalog descrition… Old Iron is back for one last stand. Old Iron IV The Final Chapter-Year of the Chaperell This film features some of the largest antique and vintage events from across the USA as well as Canada. Segments include the annual infamous Waconia Ride In, Michigans A-1 show and the 7th Annual VSCA National Championship Vintage Snowmobile Show. Valdi Stefanson will once again host this in-depth extravaganza of Antique, Vintage and Classic Sleds. Old Iron IV Will also feature the worlds first snowmobile designer and machine Ellison from Sayner Wisconsin. We will hep celebrate with the Snowmobile Hall of Fame for there 30th anniversary and look into the men and machines that formed this great facility in St. Germain Wi. We will also take you back in the archives of some recently uncovered rare footage that captures the essence of OLD IRON! You wont be disappointed! Over 100 minutes of Classics.