RAVE X FILMS FRESH5 FRESH 5 DVD. The vendor part number is FRESH5. Read title to know what you are getting. Catalog descrition… Maine back country terrain is no force to be reckoned with. When you are ripping through the Maine woods you never know what you will find buried under the snow. Tree roots, rocks and stumps will stop at nothing to destroy a-arms, bulkheads, s-mods, bumpers and body parts. The riders of the Snow Mountain Mafia have teamed up with Rave X to conquer these obstacles and throw caution to the wind. Watch our buddies; Bill Turgeon, Shawn Huston, Matt and Jordan Berard, John McGovern, Ralphy, Mark York, Alex Bishop and Paul Beaudoin. Meanwhile the Rave X freestyle team continues to travel the northeast shredding ramps for big crowds and showing fans what snowmobiles are capable of. It never fails to amaze people what we can put these machines through. Ramps and freestyle have slowly been leaving the DVD scene but with Rave X movies that will never happen. Whether it is the Rangeley and Colebrook Snodeos or the famous New Hampshire Grass Drags in Fremont, NH. Check out the antics of Brandon and Seth Bell, Freddy Rasmussen, Joe Mclafferty, Jesse Moran, Jesse Croteau, Dave England, DJ Coffin and more. 55 Minutes long includes sticker and bonus footage.