EMD 1983-1985 Harley-Davidson XLX1000 Sportster Sixty One 1000 RIBSTER CAM COVER
EMD 1983-1985 Harley-Davidson XLX1000 Sportster Sixty One 1000 RIBSTER CAM COVER RAW CCXL/I/R. The vendor part number is CCXL/I/R.. Read title careful to know what you are getting. Catalog decription…
Featuring a raised rib design, this cast aluminum 'second skin' cam cover trim fits over your OEM cam cover. It is held in place with three
supplied Allen bolts and spacers. The EMD cam cover trim can be notched at the upper front to make room for your OEM breather. You can
also opt to relocate the breather to a lower position, especially if you're cutting the OEM cam cover up to visually 'split' the motor from the
transmission. These covers are available in two styles, the classic ribster and the knuckle style with raised ribs and a smooth front section.