BRAKING BRAKING BAT FLY REAR SUZUKI BY4503. The vendor part number is BY4503. Read title carefully to know what you are getting. Here is the catalog descrion NOT the title?
- Batfly directional geometry with non round profile
- Disc material and construction process: laser cut stainless steel AISI410, heat treated + finished on CNC machines
- Improvement of the brake response and modulability. The Batfly system improves the rider???s feeling and the response during the overall braking event and brings the performances at the top of the category
- Better cooling effect: the Batfly system, thanks to the special grooves on the rotor, represent a great evolution in heat dissipation, due to the area that alternatively is not covered by one of the pads. In this way, when the internal pad touches the dis
- Better effectiveness of the pads. The Batfly system cleans and re-new the pad surface at each pass on the grooves, maintaining the friction coefficient of the pads at the maximum level, even in the worst environmental condition