WARN 1.5 CI WARN WINCH (XT15) 78500
Up for sale is WARN 1.5 CI WARN WINCH (XT15). The vendor part number is 78500. Read title carefully to know what you are getting. Catalog description…. With WARN's XT15you get 1,500 lbs of pulling power from its sealed 0.4hp motor (12v DC) with the additional convenience of synthetic rope and a roller fairlead. 50' of 5/32" synthetic rope (lighter weight andmore manageable) Potted and sealed mini-rocker handlebar switch Waterproof contactor Free spooling cam-activated clutch Mechanical brake 3-stage planetary gear train Roller fairlead Battery requirement: 12Ahminimum Limited Lifetime warranty Weight:8.6 lbs (3.9 kgs) Note: See WARNwinch mounting kitsfor your application