INOVEX 41208 RIDE-ON TPS TIRE SEALANT FOR MOTORCYCLES 8 OZ. The vendor part number is 41208. Read title to know what you are getting. Catalog descrition… With one installation of Ride-On, lead weights become a thing of the past; while Ride-On TPS works in conjunction with traditional lead weights, you won't need them anymore Specially formulated to hydrodynamically balance high speed tires and dampen road noise and vibrations that cause a rough ride Continually adjusts and literally rebalances your tires as your ride for the legal life of the tires If your tire is punctured the tire literally fixes itself as the centrifugal force of the rotating tire and internal air pressure force Ride-On TPS into the hole, sealing it virtually instantly Since it helps eliminate porosity leaks that cause tires to deflate over time, your tires stay properly inflated, last longer, and your bike handles better and gets more miles per gallon Eliminates 85-95% of flats in tubeless tires from objects up to 1/4" (1/8" for tube tires) that penetrate the contact patch of the tire Important Notice: After installing Ride-On TPS Motorcycle Formula sealant into your tires, you may notice a slight vibration until the sealant has warmed up and distributed evenly in your tires. This process usually takes 2 to 5 miles. Please DO NOT attempt to rebalance your tires after the installation of this product. Ride-On TPS is a balancing compound and will act as a balancer and will result in erroneous readings from a dynamic spin balancer that does not compensate for tire deflection, weight of the bike, brakes or other suspension components. Ride-On TPS is TPMS friendly, however, it is not recommended for use in 2009, 2010 and 2012 Honda Gold Wings as their TPMS Sensors are not heretically sealed. (Also note, that though Ride-On TPS eliminates 85-95% of flats in tubeless tires from objects up to 1/4" (1/8" for tube tires) that penetrate the contact patch of the tire; objects that puncture tires often tear tubes and thus Ride-On's efficiency in the tube tires is reduced to 55-65%. If the puncturing object remains in the tire, it is vital to