Comet 214898A1 A-16 CAM ARMS 50.0 GRAMS SOLD EACH
Comet 214898A1 A-16 CAM ARMS 50.0 GRAMS SOLD EACH. The vendor part number is 214898A1. Read title to know what you are getting. Catalog descrition… All cam arms are priced and sold each *Comet arms areavailable for all 102C/108C/108EXP/108 4-PRO Torque Converter*If you require cam arms for a 1993-94 108EXP with 5/16" pivotbolt, it will be necessary to purchase cam arms listed hereand push bushings out. **A-16 50.0 GRAMS****NOTE: These are supplied from Comet only with specialperformance bushing, factory pre-installed. Kit 208342contains 3 replacements of this bushing.